Amazing YouTube Videos to watch with truffles

Amazing YouTube Videos to watch with truffles

Having searched the depths of Youtube, I’m proud to present a list of videos you should watch while taking truffles. These videos are crazy and amazing at the same time. So sit back and relax and press on play!

1. Never-ending firework show

The Japanese sure know their fireworks. Check out this amazing firework show that just seems to go on forever!

2. Felix Colgrave

An amazing Illustrator and Animator, his videos are amazing and a must watch. I’m not sure I can explain what happens in the video, but what I can tell you that it has been animated professionally. Also make sure to check his channel!

3. Planet Earth

There is no place like home! Venture across our home planet and view some of the most stunning locations our blue planet has to offer. Forests, mountains and snow sure make for stunning scenery.

4. Fishes

There is nothing more relaxing than staring at a bunch of peaceful fishes. This video has hundred of fishes swimming around in a tropical coral reef aquarium.

5. Stars

Who doesn’t like to stare at bunch of stars? This video has beautiful stars blinking in and out of existence in stunning 4k non the less. Watch this video with a few truffles and set off on a trip through the cosmos. 

6. World of Warcraft

As mentioned before in another article, this game is amazing in both visuals and sound! The Music & Ambiance of Suramar is both enchanting and varied. Listening to this during your trip will help you relax and teleport your mind and spirit to the Nightborn capital.

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