Artists and famous people that took mushrooms

Artists and famous people that took mushrooms

Psychedelics has always had a strong connection with various forms of art such as literature, paintings and music for example. We thought it would be interesting to dive deeper into various people who dared to take a peek into a higher plane of consciousness.

Aldous Huxley

First we have Aldous Huxley. Born on 26th of July 1894, Aldus was a English writer, novelist and philosopher who has written many great pieces of work during his lifetime. He had a keen interest in human psychology and consciousness and the what effects psychoactives have on society. The island and The Doors of Perception are a few examples of his work and are a must read if you are interested in psychoactives yourself.

“It’s a very salutary thing to realize that the rather dull universe in which most of us spend most of our time is not the only universe there is. I think it’s healthy that people should have this experience.” – Aldous Huxley

Steve Jobs

Another example of a person who took psychoactives is Steve Jobs. He experimented with them in his late-teens and called it one of the most important things he ever did in his life. It is interesting to read about people’s experiences with psychoactive substances and what they have achieved.

“LSD shows you that there’s another side to the coin, and you can’t remember it when it wears off, but you know it. It reinforced my sense of what was important—creating great things instead of making money, putting things back into the stream of history and of human consciousness as much as I could.” – Steve Jobs

Nicolas Cage

The famous actor Nicolas Cage has also taken mushrooms in the past, but not for the reasons you would expect! It seems he had a cat that loved mushrooms like regular cats like catnip. Nicolas Cage was curious to why his cat loved these things so much, so he thought why not? let’s give it a shot. Check out this video below to see how this story ends.

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