Adding products to your cart

We strive to make your shopping experience as simple as possible for you. To order a product, you just have to click on the add to cart button or go to the product page by clicking on an item. There you will find the price as well as an other ‘Add To Cart’-button.

Your shopping cart

Like in any other store you have access to your very own shopping cart. This cart allows you to keep your desired items together while you continue browsing other products you might like. In the top right you can find a cart icon which will display a list of the products you have chosen and a total price (Shipping costs not included). Changing the quantity of the item is also possible when browsing the cart.

Checkout procedure

When you have finished browsing the store and adding everything you want in your cart, you may click on the ‘Checkout’ button to begin the checkout procedure. On the checkout page you will asked to give your email address, contact and billing and delivery address details. Please ensure that you verify the information write down in the relevant fields, and always check that the details you are giving us are correct. If you are a Registered Member you may specify a delivery address. If you are a guest, you will only be able to have your goods shipped to the billing address. Click on continue to move on to the next stage, the ‘Payment And Shipping Method’ page.

What now?

Your order will now be with us and ready to be processed.